The twelfth regular meeting of the Assembly of the NiCAT cluster was held in the premises of Science and Technology Park Niš on Monday, December 25, 2023. At the annual meeting of the Assembly, a summary of the cluster's work in the past year was presented, as well as the work plan for the coming year 2024.
Two new members of Board of Directors were elected: Saša Todorović - Symphony and Slavimir Stošović - IT Centar.
We also had the pleasure of introducing four new members of the cluster at the Assembly: Codeus, Tech Tailors, Code3Profit, IT Centar and Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics - Univesity of Niš.
By holding the 12th assembly of the NiCAT cluster, we had the opportunity to draw a line and look towards the future.
Soon, together with partners, we are building a clear vision for Niš 2030 and the role of the NiCAT cluster in it.