The NiCAT cluster summed up the results of this year at the annual meeting held on December 28, 2021.
New members of the Board of Directors Tamara Pejčić from the company "Prime Holding" and Branisalav Vukelic from the company "PSR Engineering Solutions - RCMT" presented themselves, who expressed that they would do their best to contribute to even better functioning of the cluster.
Also, a new member of "Symphony" was presented at this year's Assembly. Their arrival in the cluster represents greater cooperation, an opportunity for greater professionalism and the spread of knowledge and business for all.
Despite the challenges this year, the NiCAT cluster has successfully implemented the planned activities, and next year it will continue to have a positive impact on its members and the environment and create a better place for people to live and work.
Good luck and health in the New Year from the NiCAT team!